David Chametzky - Peace, Love and Bring a Bat

David Chametzky who is also known as "Uncle Dave" is a highly authentic person who wears his heart on his sleeve because he has a special passion for empowering and serving people who are looking to level up and improve themselves in many ways. In life we go through a process which Uncle Dave trademarked called CLUBERTY™. Its a process where we learn to grow constantly by not only looking back at our obstacles in the past but learning how to avoid future obstacles. I'm just like you - just a regular guy who has at times struggled in all phases of my life but found the proper resources and techniques to find resiliency and growth to not go backwards but forward. Dave shares from personal experience and techniques what has worked for him and thousands of others - success through hard work and dedication will help in your ability to overcome your challenges.

As a motivational speaker,  Dave's  stories of rising from life's challenges and overcoming obstacles by finding your P.A.T.H and finding the ability to rise from the ashes of those challenges that have been placed in our path. Through hard work, and perseverance as well as the unique and charismatic way he communicates will inspire any audience to find Peace, Love and understand where we need to Bring a Bat by finding our non negotiables and creating personal boundaries to be our most authentic self.

With years of experience in both his personal life as well as years in the corporate world, Dave has shown he has the determination and knowledge to level up and become a successful mentor.  He has helped change lives of all those who have come across his path on the journey and those who join in the journey become like family of this tribe/clan.  Through the journey he has faced challenges, learned from those challenges, gained valuable teachings and learned to create the best path for him through resiliency. 

Website: https://www.davidchametzky.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-chametzky-a933b32
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/davidchametzky
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@davidchametzky
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/david.chametzky
Book: https://www.davidchametzky.com/latest-book
Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/3OdpZFF52CxanGkjLVaS0f?si=fe21ba8ae8da46fa


Rex Sikes - IDEA Seminars - Mind Design™ - Author - Life on Your Terms

After a skydiving accident nearly robbed Rex Steven Sikes of his life and caused him to spiral down in negativity for a couple years, Rex locked himself in his apartment for 6 weeks to sort things through and develop the confidence to face the world again living happily and successfully again. During those weeks of deep introspection and meditation Sikes discovered the keys for transformation which he has shared around the world ever since. He discusses this in his book, Life On Your Terms: Live The Life You Want.

Sikes has four decades experience helping thousands of people transform their minds and lives. His innovations include Mind Design™ and Directed Questions™. He is a Master Trainer of NLP & DHE, A Master Hypnotherapist and Master Hypnotist, Whole Brain and Accelerated Learning, the Law of Attraction and is founder of IDEA Seminars.

He conducts online programs on transformation, Mind Design™ LOA, NLP and at public events. Sikes is a professional speaker, life and business mentor, consultant, and an educator. He is an actor and filmmaker and consultant to the entertainment industry. In addition to his blog Daily Inspiration And Gratitude, Rex is an author, creator of The Attitude Activator™, and featured on Learning Strategies 'Euphoria' program.

Rex presents seminars, public and corporate programs, full workshops and training events. He mentors professionals and newcomers in their fields. He is a keynote speaker the power of your mind to get your goals, increase you bottom line and make your dreams come true. His captivating message inspires audiences and will remain with you!

He has appeared before millions acting in films, television, radio interviews and commentary. His topics include making your dreams come true, conditioning and nutrition for the mind, why affirmations don’t work and how to get them to work, creativity and intuition, making a great impression, creating rapport, and how to understand and utilize body language.

He has consulted for attorneys and news media offering commentary on famous trials and celebrities. He has programs available on productivity, diversity and other topics for businesses. He coaches actors, directors, performers, speakers, and consults for movies and television.

In addition to training, and executive coaching, Rex does customized expert modeling and customized business consulting.

His clients include actors and filmmakers, professional speakers, attorneys, CEO’s, sales professionals and managers, medical doctors, law enforcement, personnel managers, small business owners, training personnel, investors, teachers and educational administrators and people from all walks of life. What they share in common is a desire to live life on their terms and create their own best life.

Website: https://www.rexsikes.com
Book + Rex's The Mastery Loop™ Training for FREE! ($497 Value!) https://www.rexsikes.com/book
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rexsikes
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/rexsikes
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rexstevensikes
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@rexsikes
Podcast: https://anchor.fm/rex-sikes
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSRve_LIc0aV7-nhtfLqtDw
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rex.sikes.9

Olga Brooks - Quantum Energy Healer - The Return

The Return is a reminder for every woman to look, search into the deepest places with in herself and return/find/explore/fall in love with the wonderful creation she is. I am here to remind and guide you how to get in touch with your own self. I will lead you to finding and keeping that balance that will move you forward. To bring your light to shine. It doesn’t matter what circumstances you are in now. It is all about you. You, who is amazing, unique and real. You who brings happiness into this existence. Just because you are a woman. Through you life begins. Through you wisdom learns. When you become Whole you will live a life of your unique purpose. And through that you will bring blessings into this world.

Do you feel that life is not exactly what you wished for? Are you stressed and worry a lot? Do you have physical or emotional ailment? Are you at your psychologist office every two weeks? It makes you feel good until you step out from the office back into your life again. And the real changes in your life do not happen. You are back to your life of worries, struggles and disappointments. Where you feel like you have no control over. You are looking for answers from everywhere but still in vain. When all the logic of the brain answers all the questions there is an internal  of a better possibilities. Is there a past that is still clouding your thoughts? Are you still feel shame from that past? It is time to clean it up from your life now.

I am here to let you know that the answers have been all within you and changes are not that far from you. I am here to help you with all of that. Just because you are a woman. You can sign up for a free discovery call with me here. https://thereturn.as.me/30-minutes?fbclid=IwAR3dZUHmoQY0gEjVWQ-YrWby1geyYVdLCgxIzmltsj261c4CuoInCdmGnN8  

Grab a cup of coffee or a tea and let’s make some wonderful discoveries. 

Website: https://thereturntomyfeminineself.today
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thereturntomyfeminineself + https://www.instagram.com/brooks_olga
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thereturntomyfeminineself

Ron Stickler - Author: PRO$PERITY Personality Recognition


Multiple Sales Award winner, Ron Stickler, learned a sales technique he named "PRO$PERITY Personality Recognition" which quickly led to a dramatic $10 million dollars in sales for him over the following twelve years.

Having been very successful in commission sales previously to his breakthrough realization of how successful the principles of Personality Recognition were, he thought, "I wish I had known this a long time ago!" It amazed him how few salespeople had ever been taught this material which could have significantly improved their sales careers, forever!

Ron was at the right place at the right time to learn about this unique approach to sales. Maybe YOU are now in the right place at just the right time to learn this valuable information too!

This book is written for sales people who want to improve their sales success and for sales managers who want to motivate their sales staff to achieve company goals. Once readers master the secrets of personality recognition outlined in this book, the rewards of prosperity, accomplishment, admiration and recognition will be theirs. Understanding the needs and wants of various personality types will result in a more effective dialogue, a higher closing percentage and, most importantly, a clearer understanding and a common purpose—the keys to a trusting relationship marked by success.

What others say about Reach & Exceed Your Sales Goals:

“The Do’s and Don’t section alone is justification for buying this book. You’ll clearly understand why someone buys and most importantly how you get them to want to buy from you. Since everyone in business is a ‘salesperson’, regardless of their title, this book is for everyone to read and more responsibly and effectively influence others.”
Debra Benton, is ranked as one of the top executive coaches in the world, and is a New York Times best selling author of 11 books, including her latest, The Leadership Mind Switch: Rethinking How We Lead in the New World of Work.

“An amazing book! So simple. So clear. So powerful. Read it and prosper!”
Larry Kendall, author of Ninja Selling and co-founder of The Group Real Estate, Inc

“This book is full of practical, step-by-step, simple ‘helpful’ advice. It is for every person involved in the ‘sales industry’. The best sales professionals have an ability to adapt their communication styles to the needs of the individual they are with. Ron shows you why and how you can do that. Highly recommended!
David Firth, Management Consultant, Executive Coach and author of Change Your World One Word at a Time.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ron-stickler-a6018210
Book: https://www.amazon.com/Reach-Exceed-Your-Sales-Goals/dp/1719408602

Ryan Carruthers - The Membership Mastery and Betfair Trading Community

Ryan Carruthers is the CEO and Founder of The Membership Mastery, Betfair Trading Community and Carruthers. He has years of experience in the membership industry, digital products, community and software, implementing and coaching businesses to create an online community that drives sales and loyalty. 

Hey, it’s Ryan Carruthers here from The Membership Mastery, & I help you build the membership site of your dreams. Do you want to build a membership website? Do you want to build a business that gives you the freedom to do what you've always wanted? With monthly recurring revenue?

Cool Facts

  • His daughter is one of his favourite people in the world

  • He’s British

  • He’s built a wildly successful membership

  • He loves fitness and human anatomy

  • He cannot sing

  • He has a secret love of Taylor Swift music

  • Knows of places in the US based around NFL teams

  • His favourite coffee shop is Deus Machina

  • Monday is the best day

  • Life is all about staying curious - Ryan’s thing about life!

  • Best thing he has changed about himself is that he is a nicer person now - because of his wife!

  • Best meal is Magnolia Bakery’s Banana Pudding!

Website: https://themembershipmastery.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryan-carruthers-ab7658225
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Themembershipmastery
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RyanCarruthers
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuX9CCYLQKY06l9D29gjHmQ
LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/ryancarruthers

Danielle Thornton-Walker - Self Love and Empowerment Life Coach

Hi! I’m Danielle. I live in Sheffield with my husband and my son. I am at my happiest when I am outdoors, in woods, parks, fields or on a beach! At the heart of everything I do are my values which are:

  • Love.

  • Personal growth.

  • Making a difference.

  • Family.

I have a background in Higher Education focused on personal development. My passion has always been people driven and helping people grow and develop. In 2020 I felt drawn to follow my passion for coaching, to take it to the next level. In January 2021 I qualified as a certified Life Coach with The Mindful Talent Coaching Academy. The Advanced Certificate in Coaching Practice is accredited by the Association for Coaching.

I want to see people thrive. I work with clients who are currently moving too fast, trying to do all of the things all of the time. I see so many women, amazing women who are smashing it with their career and home life. They are doing everything, and then there is nothing left for themselves. They have lost that joy and passion because they have fallen to the bottom of the priority list. They are exhausted! I know this well because I have been that woman. I am still that woman sometimes!

I want to empower clients to see they are amazing without having to be on the go 24/7. I to support people to create space for self care, joy, passion, fun! I want people to see that they should create space for themselves and what they want and need in life. In doing so not only will their life improve, they will have more to give and share with the people they love.

For me, it all starts with self love and self worth. Seeing and believing that you deserve to put yourself on that priority list, that you deserve to step up in life, that you are worthy of love, passion, excitement and success. When we start loving ourselves, that positive energy grows and expands and leads to brighter and better things. And the ripple effects to all areas of our lives and those around us is truly remarkable.

Alongside my career I have been going on my own personal development journey to build my own confidence and resilience to improve my own mental health and wellbeing. A big part of this journey has been introducing practices in my life such as journaling, practising gratitude and meditating.

Meditation has been a game changer for me! Which is why I trained to become a meditation teacher to brings this into my offer and share it with my clients.

I am excited to meet you, wherever you are, and empower you to start living the full and vibrant life that you deserve.

Website: https://www.daniellelouisecoaching.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/danielle-thornton-walker-94b5b76a

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danielle__louise__coaching

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/danielle.thorntonwalker

Gemma Perkins - Founder of The Self Leadership Initiative

Gemma is a personal transformation facilitator, providing bespoke and interactive learning experiences that inspire and empower people to be their best selves. 

Seven years ago Gemma started her own training company following nine years of experience in youth leadership development, a first-class degree in psychology and qualifying as a teacher. Her experience in teaching solidified her belief that education was missing out on the essential soft skills such as conflict resolution, leadership, effective communication and how to use positive psychology to lead a happy life. By providing these skills sets and more to teams, they are able to achieve great things together. 

Gemma works with a broad range of corporate managers, community groups, educators, HE providers and refugees – encouraging all ages and positions to learn through play and develop the inner leader (or self leader) as the starting point for success. To date she has worked with over 2500 individuals, including delivering workshops internationally in India, Switzerland and Bahrain. Her particular areas of interest are emotional intelligence, team dynamics and wellbeing.

Website: https://thesli.co.uk
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bespoketraining
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/selfleadership1
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/The.Self.Leadership.Initiative
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SelfLeadership1
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKRtMHTJOsJH073FXhRibPQ
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/selfleadership1

Chris Delaney - Career Advisor and Interview Coach

Chris Delaney is a qualified NLP Life Coach, Hypnotherapist and Careers Advisor. With over 15 years experience supporting people to achieve their life and career goal’s, Chris has the experience and skills to help you achieve your dream’s. As an experienced Coach and the Founder of Employment King, Chris has years of experience to help you move forward in both your career and your life.

Chris created Fast Therapy. He took the best from a range of therapy disciplines including NLP, Hypnotherapy, Solution Focus, Positive Psychology and Life Coaching and made it relevant  to overcoming Phobias and Fears, Increasing Confidence and Reducing Anxiety.

The days of having hundreds of hours of therapy to overcome one issues are gone. Behavioral Neuroscience Studies and advancements in therapy disciplines have empowered Fast Therapy Therapist, to get quick long-lasting results.

With a vast amount of techniques to choose from Chris will pick the techniques that best suit your individual problems and barriers, allowing you to move forward in a style that allows you to feel in control and comfortable.

Chris helps career professionals to be successful in a job interview. How an interviewer views an applicant, due to their ability to communicate competencies confidently, affects the job interview outcome. Each applicant conforms to one of 16 interview identities based on the candidate’s perceived level of knowledge/experience and their level of interview confidence.

The interview identity acts as a filter that an employer uses before making a hiring decision. The interview identity book will help readers to be seen as more skilled, more knowledgeable and more hireable.

Website: https://employmentking.co.uk
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christopherdelaneycoach
What’s your interview identity? - Book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1787058158/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_NQGBTMY0D5DHVD48NP22

Jane Ferré - Executive Career Coach

Jane offers private career coaching for senior HR professionals who’ve outgrown their current role and want to secure their dream role in their dream company with a dream package in less than 6 months.

She came to this after experiencing redundancy not once but twice in one year - once her choice, the other not.

Before setting up her own coaching practice she had a 20+ year career in senior HR roles such as HR Business Partner, Head of Leadership Development and Head of Talent at British Airways before joining LEON Restaurants as their very first Head of Training.

All of this means that Jane has been active in the job market in recent years. She understands exactly how much effort you need to put into each job application and how frustrating it can be when you get ghosted after an interview. She has also been on the other side of the recruitment table, so knows exactly what recruiting managers are looking for.

LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/janeferre
Website - https://www.janeferre.com
YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/c/JaneFerré
Instagram - https://Instagram.com/janeferre
Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/janeferrecoach

Elizabeth Wright - Virtual Assistant and Business Manager

Elizabeth, the founder of Admin & More, has been instrumental in supporting the success of start-ups and business owners. With this knowledge and hands-on experience, as well as a passion to see small businesses grow and accelerate, Elizabeth created a membership programme - Start-up Circle, which includes, training, networking and business resources that covers all the foundations a business needs.

She started her career in banking in the city. After moving from London to Northamptonshire in 2000 she followed a path into the charity sector after taking her marketing exams. After 15 years in the charity sector, Elizabeth knew that she needed to make a change and given the skills that she had acquired, she decided to start her own Virtual Assistant business, which has grown each year since 2016.

Elizabeth lives with her retired firefighter husband in Northamptonshire, who provides tremendous support as a house husband enabling her to build the business. Elizabeth and her husband enjoy their holiday home by the Norfolk coast to get away from the stresses and strains of the working week.

Website: http://www.adminandmore.co.uk
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/elizabeth-wright-virtual-assistant
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EWVirtualAsst
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/adminandmore
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/adminandmore
Podcast - Small Business Stories: https://anchor.fm/smallbusinesscommunity
Start-up Circle: https://www.startupcircle.co.uk

Brad Weesner - Founder Forshew Interior Design

“Have you ever experienced walking into a space – and realizing that you have just been transported to someplace very special?” asks Brad Weesner. “This wonderful transformation is the very reason I love interior design.” Raised in Washington, D.C., the designer has always been surrounded by classicism, diplomacy, graciousness and the international climate that only the nation’s capital can provide. “Washington is one of the most beautiful cities in the world”, he says.

Clients appreciate the designer’s prior management experience in luxury hotels, and in residential construction and real estate. “It is daunting to put something so personal as your home in the hands of someone else, but when there is a common goal of good design, this always works beautifully and our clients have seen that the journey was worth it.”

The aspects that architecture can bring to a room, and the client’s desire for functionality are always the fundamental starting point in my work. To then create a remarkable interior is my ultimate goal”. This focus is true for the firm’s residential projects as well as hospitality and corporate projects. Recent work includes the historic theater - The Weinburg Center for the Performing Arts in Frederick MD, and the 60 year old landmark - Annie’s Paramount Steak House in Washington D.C. The designer’s residential projects include a custom 15,000 sq. ft. home and a contemporary and glamorous penthouse both located in Bethesda.

The use of original artwork, wonderful lighting, calming colors are the hallmark of Weesner’s design work. He has served on the board of the Frederick Arts Council and his projects have been published in “Spectacular Homes of Washington, D.C.” and "Shore Decor" by A. Rooney, The Washington Examiner, The Washington Post, Chicago Tribune and Spaces Magazine.

He's passionate about Dogs , Horses (English Riding), Sailing (mostly sloops) , Entertaining (Cooking, Wine and guests at home), The Art of Conversation (He slips into big words sometimes) , Fine Cars (Coach building actually), Mentoring & Developing others (think AA Sponsorship) and more.

Forshew Interior Design produces exquisite spaces for distinguished clients in residential environments.

As one of the nation’s top designers for nearly 14 years, Brad creates spaces that capture his client’s personality by combining comfort, functionality, and elegance. His design nuances unite traditional luxury with contemporary edges making him one of the most sought-after designers.

Brad has worked for several of the largest luxury homebuilders in the mid-Atlantic region. It was there that he honed his innate ability to work with architects, planners and builders throughout the construction process. As a result, Brad’s extensive construction knowledge instills trust from both his clients and his contractors.

Additionally, Brad’s 20 years of experience within the luxury hospitality industry has earned him praise for his ability to utilize timeless design elements with memorable accents. He mixes durable furnishings with extraordinary textures. With an eye for accessibility and traffic flow, Brad brings a refined aesthetic that is cost-effective for the client.

Today, Forshew Interior Design represents many of the top luxury brands in the US and works with better auction houses in New York and on the east coast of the U.S. We have relationships with art galleries focused on the curation of notable works of art to provide a deep and broad source of artwork to enhance your space, or to serve as the inspiration point. Our sources for hand-made rugs, unique hotel furnishings, and period-specific furnishings from overseas help us create interiors of distinction and sophistication.

Website: https://www.forshewdesign.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/forshewdesign
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/forshewdesign
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/forshewdesign
Podcast: https://welldesignedlives.com

Dawna Campbell - Mind Whisperer ® and Author of Financially Fit

Considered a Mind Whisperer ®, Dawna combines her knowledge, wisdom, experience and talents to help people create a life of Happiness, Prosperity, and Love. Her vision is to transform each person’s individual pain into “silver lining” gifts to create a global impact of healing and creating abundance for all.

Dawna has over 25 years combined years of professional experience. As a former Financial Advisor, her book, Financially Fit, is a #1 Amazon International Best Seller bringing together the world of money and the energy body, and the souls essence. “Financially Fit is for the person who wants to align their inner balance to gain infinite prosperity in all areas of their life,” says Dawna Campbell.

Dawna is a professional speaker sharing her techniques during interactive workshops and maintains an international private practice with her Heart Centered Healing approach to “Create it Now”. She has shared the stage with Lisa Nichols, Dr. Joe Vitale, Sharon Lechter, and David Meltzer.

Dawna’s educational background includes University Degree’s in both Finance and Marketing and she spent a decade in the Financial Planning arena as a Managing Principal for an Investment Firm. She lived in an Ashram (spiritual living community) for a year studying the energy body, brain wave patterns, meditation and healing. In addition, she has studied natural healing with a Medicine Woman, Shamans, Yogic Healers, and Buddhist Monks, as they passed down their gifts.

Dawna has been featured on the Quantum Leap Forum with the LA Tribune, Business Talk Radio, Let’s Create a Better World with Bobby Elias, and had a weekly radio podcast hosted on Mind Body Radio called “Create it Now”. Dawna was the visionary with the Global Healing Movement and part of The Mentor Studio with Michael Silvers and Mary Glorfield.

Dawna currently resides in Bigfork, Montana, is the President of her company, The Healing Heart, Inc. and has 3 beautiful children.

“The Universal Love Force Energy is all things. This energy is the healer, love is the energy that heals, and the heart is where we discover it. Live the Life you Love and Love the Life you Live”
~ Dawna Campbell

Website: https://www.dawnacampbell.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dawnacampbell
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/healingheartinc
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dawnacampbell811
Twitter: https://twitter.com/healingheartinc
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/dawnacampbell
Financially Fit Book: https://financiallyfitbook.com 
Financially Fit Gift: https://financiallyfitbook.com/free-gift

The 'Share Your Story' Podcast

Thanks for you interest to appear on the Share Your Story Podcast. To book your interview with me, please select one of the available dates/times below.  Allow one hour please and we will be using Zoom, but you have the option for a video version or not. I am really looking forward to having you on the show very soon. If the timings don’t work for you, maybe due to time zones or something else, let me know and I will juggle a few things around. If you would like to suggest a different time slot, just complete the contact form at the very bottom of this page.

To learn about the full Podcast Interview process, you can download the Guest Guide right HERE or another link will be visible after booking and will also be emailed.

The podcast is currently distributed across 34 channels, you can locate 13 of those channels via this handy link: https://pod.link/shareyourstory, and by opening this PDF you will see all 34 channels in one handy list.

I estimate listener figures to be around the 10 to 15k mark, but I’m not into vanity numbers, just wish to provide great podcast content to those who are ready to listen and take action. I hope you agree!

Oh and if you know someone who might be interested in appearing on the show, please ask them to get in touch with me or they can complete the form below.

The ‘Share Your Story’ podcast are interviews with small business owners. They begin by sharing their personal back story and their business growth journey, often sharing challenges along the way. Then we explore details of their current business offering and the tangible benefits they deliver to their clients. The purpose of the Podcast is to inspire start-ups and other business owners.

Subscribe below 👇 to have new podcasts delivered direct to your inbox!

Or if you have a question for me, please do send it to me via the contact form below.