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Michael de Groot on the Business Infrastructure Podcast

Are you tired of pouring time and money into marketing efforts that just don’t connect with your audience? Have you been told to simply “tell a good story” but still aren’t seeing the sales boost you were hoping for? It’s time to discover the power of strategic storytelling.

Our next featured small business advisor is Michael de Groot, the Chief Storyteller at Staying Alive UK. As Dutchman born living in the UK and born to an Anglo-Indian mother, he has quite the story to tell himself as he starts off by revealing his journey from the textile industry to video production.

In this episode, Michael shares tips to:

Uncover the vital role of an enthralling business story in attracting and retaining customers,

Tap into emotional connections for authentic, captivating stories that audiences will love, and

Create impactful marketing videos that zero in on customer concerns and drive engagement.

He also walks us through his 13-step process for crafting a perfect business story. It involves several essential elements such as understanding your clients’ needs, identifying emotional drivers, and selecting an appropriate narrative structure. The process enables you to create a customized, memorable, and impactful story that resonates with existing customers and converts leads into new customers.

Discover the art of storytelling and why you should avoid advertisements if you want to make meaningful connections with your customers!



Why Is Storytelling So Important?: download Michael’s free e-book.

The Hero’s Journey: a book by Joseph Campbell.


Staying Alive UK: the main website of Michael’s company.

Michael’s Storytelling Online Workshop Replay: an online workshop that will give you the foundation for bringing your business story alive in everything you create online and offline.

Storytelling on LinkedIn: Michael’s online course, available on Udemy.

Connect with Michael: access a full, curated list of other resources from Michael, including his social media profiles, bio, and his special interests in pickleball and taiko drumming!

Originally published via:

Judy Dragon - Journey woman, ThetaHealing Technique® Master, Trauma Healing specialist and Author

My story is one of extreme darkness and trauma to one of transforming these difficult childhood experiences into a non-dualistic spiritual journey of deep healing and discovery for myself and many others.  The first 23 years of my life, I was sexually abused, physically tortured, and trafficked. Those words cover a vast amount of territory which I will only briefly discuss. There is no darkness I’m unaware of. What is and will be appearing on the world stage will shine further Light and Truth on my story.

Through over 45 years of study and practice in various esoteric and alternative healing arts, both professionally and through personal transformation, I have assisted many in healing different conditions along with childhood abuse and its traumatic effects. Even at a young age, I knew I wanted to be of service to humanity.  Starting off at 10 as a self-appointed neighbourhood summer play counselor, I later volunteered as a teen nursing aid, and then shifted to being a dental hygienist for 26 years.

I also holistically raised four home-birthed children. I didn’t use allopathic medicine but was their healing partner using Jin Shin Jyutsu® (Japanese hands-on healing art similar to acupuncture), herbs, and homeopathy. I additionally explored alternative ways to parent taking eight years of parenting classes.

The awakening of the repressed trauma started to surface right after the Harmonic Convergence in 1987. By the early 90’s, I integrated a certification as a Clinical Hypnotherapist to bring added skills and awareness of the unconscious mind’s programs into my personal healing and private practice.

By the late 90’s, I co-authored and co-edited, “Multiple Journeys to One: Spiritual Stories of Integrating from Dissociative Identity Disorder” presenting in the Northern California Bay area on TV, radio, at conferences for therapist associations and those who survived extreme sexual abuse.

In 1998, I attended the very first ThetaHealing® workshop outside of Idaho when Vianna Stibal, the founder, came to Northern California. It was an instant click.’ Since that time, I attained the highest level of certification in ThetaHealing® Technique witnessing thousands of amazing healings, from broken bones mended in seconds to depression gone in one session to the fusion of dissociated personalities. The implementation of the belief work has made ThetaHealing® Technique, world-known in clearing those limiting and fearful thoughts, beliefs, and programs that stop people from moving forward in their purpose and manifestations.

In 2009, I wrote the book, ‘Moving Beyond: Healing the Trauma of Physical and Sexual abuse through ThetaHealing.®’ This has provided the worldwide community with new tools to work non-dualistically with those who were abused as children. The revision is almost complete, and I trust it will be published by this Spring of 2023.

Additionally, I’m a founding member of a non profit whose goal is to educate others in trauma healing through non dualistic spirituality, practical psychology and real science – The Moving Beyond Trauma Project. Along with the team members, our vision is to eventually be part of holistic centers for healing childhood trauma from abuse.

During these times of increased trauma and transition, taking time to practice self care and a daily focused connection with the Divine Source–of-All energy that is always a part of us wherever we are, is so supportive, calming and transformational. We are all needed at this time to step up in our lives in a very different way by bringing ourselves fully ‘here’ and in alignment with our hearts and passion.

Judy mentioned on the podcast that US Dept. of Health and Human Services whistleblower, Tara Rodas, had just stepped forward in wanting to go before congress with her information on Government sponsored, taxpayer-funded child trafficking. As it turned out, Tara spoke before the US House of Representatives in late April on this topic. 

Websites: and
Podcasts on website and Spotify:
Moving Beyond book (Not revised form):
On website:

Alicia Butler Pierre - Business Infrastructure

Alicia Butler Pierre is on a quest to revolutionize the way small businesses operate. She does that by speaking, coaching, writing, lecturing, and podcasting. She is the Founder & CEO of Equilibria, Inc. and the bestselling author of *Behind the Façade*, the world’s first published book on business infrastructure. She hosts the weekly *Business Infrastructure* podcast, which ranks in the world’s top 2%. She’s an adjunct instructor of Lean Principles at Purdue University and Operations Management at Nichols College. A chemical engineer turned entrepreneur, she’s advised, designed, and optimized processes for organizations including Coca-Cola, Shell Oil, The Library of Congress, and The Home Depot.

Websites: -
Free Resources:

Sandra Adeyeye Bello - The Different Woman

Sandra Adeyeye Bello AKA The Different Woman is a theatre and media practitioner with over 12 years of media experience from the print to radio and screen. She has been there and seen it all. She is a writer, content developer and also a social entrepreneur.

Sandra is a mental wellness advocate that's why she founded The Different Woman Network to help merge her career in media and passion for gender advocacy.

The Different Woman Network, a multimedia production and events coordination agency based in Abuja, Nigeria.

A social enterprise with over twelve (12) years of media experience in idea generation, script and content writing, video production and consultation, content creation and development, event coordination and management etc.

We create original and commercial audio-visual productions with humanised experiences through storytelling for better understanding of our themes and agendas. We also plan exciting and impactful recreational activities for Nigerian families all year round.

The Different Woman Network therefore promotes the concepts of diversity, inclusion, gender equality and equity. Our desire is to create impactful community engagements and entertainment that promotes mind wellness and empowerment for women.

The Different Woman TV:
Instagram : &

Hazel June - Online Course Creator

Hey, I'm Hazel June - Nice To Meet You!
I‘m a certified Potterhead but Hogwarts wasn’t hiring so I decided to help muggles instead. I have no talent in Potions and I certainly don‘t have a knack in Transfiguration or an inclination to the Dark Arts…

So l decided to focus on what I love – training & education.

I was always told to finish college and get a job to be successful. But after over a decade of working in corporate, I felt trapped – very far from feeling successful. I was earning a good amount of money that gave us a comfortable life but that didn’t give me the flexibility on work hours. I missed so much of my son‘s childhood because of work. So when the opportunity came for me to work from anywhere, I grabbed it. Constantly learning and acquiring the skills that allowed me to help my clients ultimately gave me the freedom that I was looking for. As a Corporate Trainer turned Online Course Strategist, I’ve been helping multiple clients convert their expertise into a profitable digital course.


Philip Steventon - The Neurodivergent Lawyer and Content Creator

Hello, I'm Phil.

I am an #ActuallyAutistic (and #ProbablyADHD) aspiring lawyer, content creator, writer, speaker, and workplace neurodiversity inclusion consultant.

I love to talk about and engage in all things law and the legal sphere, particularly around Employment law, disability inclusion, autism, ADHD, and wider neurodiversity including meaningful inclusion in workplaces and learning how other neurodivergents can leverage their own strengths and abilities to make work and life work for them and for us all!

Over the last 5 years, I have gained experience and expertise in a range of practice areas including Employment law, Commercial Property, Debt Recovery, Corporate law and Litigation, and developed my skills in drafting documents and agreements, research, giving commercial advice, clear communication, and community building in the legal community.

I write articles and blogs and create content for my own platform The Neurodivergent Lawyer, for, and for anyone else who wants to hear from me and share my experiences and my knowledge around law and neurodivergence.

In 2022 I worked with a handful of public organisations and institutions to assess their face-to-face and virtual interview and application processes and recommend things they can do to make these processes more inclusive of neurodivergent staff, clients and members of the public. The delegates and representatives from these organisations came away with a greater understanding of the autistic and neurodivergent experience and have been implementing my recommendations for the benefit of their staff, clients and the wider public.

For my articles published by, please see here:

For my own content published through my own website, please see below:

Instagram: and

Scott Schwarz - Never Too Much Money

Scott Schwarz is a 30-year veteran of the insurance and financial services industry based in Kansas City, KS and the founder of Never Too Much Money.

Millenial entrepreneurs hire Scott to gain clarity on their road to maximal wealth, because most feel stressed out by debt, confused about what to do with their money and don’t trust banks or Wall Street, just like I don’t. So, he helps millenial entrepreneurs recycle their money to either start or supercharge their investments with confidence.

Bottom line, he shows how to reverse engineer banks and the wealthy to DO what they DO rather than what they tell us to do, recycle their money and make bank… like a bank!


Mark Drager - Brand and Positioning Expert, Podcaster and Storyteller

Mark founded his creative production company in 2006, grew it to a little over $2mm in annual revenue, and then slowly watched as it all crumbled around him.  Through the hard lessons learned and working to not make the same mistakes twice, today Phanta Media focuses less on growth and “keeping the machine fed” and more on doing extraordinary work with really cool people.

As a brand strategist, Mark also understands the need to be courageous and has developed a killer process that can help you make your next courageous move.


Alexis Kingsbury - Co-founder AirManual, Spidergap and Bridging Insight

Alexis is an award-winning entrepreneur, with over 10 years of experience, currently running two SaaS businesses (AirManual and Spidergap) with a remote & global team, and supports others as a board member or consultant including well known companies like Sony PlayStation.

In the last few years, Alexis has worked with 100s of business leaders to help save them 1,000s of hours of their time each year and unlock their business’ growth. He’s been sharing his findings, and it’s had a huge impact on many businesses. For example, Alexis won the ‘Most valued content’ award in 2021 for his workshop at Dan Bradbury’s Success Mastermind (a community of 60+ small business owners), which led to over 30 business owners adopting the tools and processes recommended.

Alexis is a husband, and dad of two, and is passionate about balancing work alongside family life (and makes sure his team does too!) He also enjoys craft beer, whisky, skiing, skateboarding, dancing, gaming, golf, touch rugby and squash.


Erika Zeigyte - Founder and Remote Teams Expert - Prosana

I’m a Neuroscientist! The brain has always interested me, and somehow along the line I transitioned into Marketing and Business development and have been enjoying every moment of it.

I started working with a digital marketing agency over three years ago (I was one of the first few team members!) and have helped to build the operations and talent from the ground up, from 3 people to 85 at its peak.

My interest has always been in education, and I always leaned towards the side of strategy rather than execution, and I wanted to take my knowledge and skills to help other eCommerce and digital agencies achieve high-performing back-end operations so that they can grow and develop into scaling businesses.

Out of all of this, I founded a company called Prosana (consisting of 5 team members and myself), to provide all of these services to those startups. In the beginning, we were focusing on operations, but I saw that the need was far greater, so my consultation expanded into more areas and new services (We also offer recruitment now!)

LinkedIn Company page:

Michael Unbroken - Founder of Think Unbroken

My journey is not dissimilar to that of millions of people around the world. I grew up in chaos. My mother was a drug addict and alcoholic. My father abandoned me when I was barely 2 years old. My step-father was hyper abusive, and the kind of guy that you pray never enters your life. We grew up in The Mormon Church where I was molested by one of the Ward’s mothers in the night. Since we were often homeless and the church partitioners took us in I wasn’t allowed to say a word. By the time I was 11 I had been entirely stripped of my childhood. Between the beatings, belittlement, molestation, and homelessness I was ready to kill myself. By 12 I was using drugs daily. One of my brothers and I were adopted by our racist grandmother.

My businesses were booming, but everything else around me was in shambles. I was addicted to sex, porn and love, I was drinking and getting stoned every day, and seeking validation from every external source I could find. I was also in the worst shape of my life at over 140 lbs overweight and morbidly obese. I was stricken with depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and suicidal thoughts. Then one day everything changed.

After another drug and alcohol-fueled night, I woke up hating myself. I hated who I was, and I hated who I had become. As a child, I promised myself that I would be better than the people that brought me into the world and I had broken that promise. I decided in a single moment that everything had to change. Fast forward 6 years and I am the happiest and healthiest that I have ever been.

I no longer seek validation from drugs, booze or women. I have transformed my body and my mind through hard work, dedication, persistence, and unwavering belief that I can do anything.

Today I educate people around the world on the effects of trauma and how to get out of THE VORTEX, take their lives back, and become the person that they know they are. The most important piece of that puzzle is taking the first step.


From homeless to hero, Michael Unbroken is the founder of Think Unbroken, a serial entrepreneur, best-selling author, award-winning speaker, podcast host, business coach, and advocate for adult survivors of childhood trauma. Michael started his first business at only eight years old, became an executive at thirty-three, and has worked with multi Fortune 500 brands, small business owners, and entrepreneurs to get clarity on their brand positioning, marketing value, and missions. 


Arti Kumar-Jain - Diya Holistic Life Care

Arti Kumar-Jain, Executive Director, is passionate in providing quality care and accessibility through the lifespan. She has over twenty years of experience in the education and mental health settings.

Arti also is the Founding Director of Love & Light 4 Kidz LLC which provides parent, child, family coaching through contract services and support. Arti is a Certified Health Coach, Certified Holistic Cancer Coach, Certified Professional Coach, Death Doula, Master Reiki Teacher and Holistic Health Practitioner. She also is a Children’s Yoga and Mindfulness Teacher and facilitates workshops with inclusion of guided relaxation and ways to build positivity in one’s work environment.

Arti believes in collaboration in partnerships and is currently the Transformative Education Coordinator for Pause Inc. located in Boston, Massachusetts. As a strategic alliance partner, the Founder and CEO of Pause Inc. Dahria Williams-Fernandes and Arti believe in education and advocacy to make shifts and change in individual, family, community, and global ways. Arti is also a Reiki Ambassador with the Reiki Healing Foundation and attributes much of the vision behind Diya to this organization. Arti as a Holistic Wellness Practitioner finds looking at the person’s mental, physical, and spiritual health is key to the happiness quotient we all hope to lead.

Arti believes wholeheartedly in the ability of the person to create their best lives with a safe and comfortable space where alternative healing methods are engaged and activated. Through empathetic listening and compassion, Arti facilitates conversations and alternative health practices to provide comprehensive services through the lifespan.

Experienced Presenter, Consultant, and Mental Health professional with a demonstrated history of working in the professional training & coaching industry. Skilled in Early Childhood Education, Educational Technology, Instructional Design, Child Development, and Career Counseling. Strong media and communication professional with a Master of Arts (M.A.) focused in Community Counseling from Marymount University.

How Diya came to be?
Diya which means “Light” in Hindi came to be out of the vision of the written word of Arti’s mom. When Arti’s mom was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer in the winter of 2018, Arti began to focus on cancer support, wellness, nutrition and everything to help support her mom. When Arti’s mom passed in the summer of 2019, Arti found her mom’s Bhagavad Gita, the Hindu scripture. There on a piece of paper, Arti found the life stages written down by whom she referred to as “Mummy”. Arti took a look and a few weeks later with her intuition, timing, and Reiki she realized that her mummy was calling to service the life stages through Diya Holistic Life Care and the rest is history in the And mission. Arti realized in her grief journey she was called upon to do this work as a legacy project and tribute to her parents, ancestors, and those lives that she encounters. The Diya to Arti and team symbolizes being held to carry and light our lives up. Diya’s dedication comes from providing care to lead our best lives possible and to evolve in better health and wellness.

Diya as a Legacy Project
Diya Holistic Life Care is Arti’s family of origin legacy project. A legacy project is something you create or an activity you do to honor the life of a loved one. With the passing of Arti’s mom and reflecting on her Papa’s death as well, Arti realized her purpose in life is to serve through the transitions of life. Arti realized that great success comes from being supported, heard, and validated and that is exactly what Diya was designed to do.

Podcast - Pause:
Dare to be Authentic Vol. 6: Finding Your Purpose:

David Avrin - Customer Experience Keynote Speaker

One of the most in-demand Customer Experience speakers and consultants in the world today, David Avrin, CSP, Global Speaking Fellow, has shared his content-rich, entertaining and actionable presentations with enthusiastic audiences across North America and in 24 countries around the world. David helps organizations better understand and connect with their changing customers and clients to help future-proof their businesses. 

David's insights have been featured on thousands of media outlets around the world.

He is also the author of five books including the acclaimed: It's Not Who You Know, It's Who Knows You!, Why Customers Leave (and How to Win Them Back) and his newest book: The Morning Huddle -- Powerful Customer Experience Conversations to Wake You Up, Shake You Up, and Win More Business. 

The ideal opening keynote speaker
Kickoff your meeting or conference with a bang! As your opening keynote speaker, platform pro David Avrin sets the stage for profound learning and meaningful engagement with his thought-provoking content delivered with an entertaining, energetic, and humorous style. David will provide both the content and context for your audience to help set the stage for all the learning and connections to come!

A memorable closing keynote speaker
As a powerful closing Keynote speaker, David Avrin will reinforce the learning and value received by your conference participants, while challenging them to forgo ingrained behaviors and think beyond the traditional business mindset. With the right mix of humor and energy to keep audiences engaged and in their seats, participants will stay until the end and leave with a smile on their face, along with a clear idea of what’s next and how to get there.


Lucy Howell - Executive Virtual Assistant, Admin Ninja and Social Media Maven

My name is Lucy Howell. I have been a virtual assistant for nearly 2.5 years, following leaving my profession as a Dental Nurse during the Covid-19 pandemic. I had my son Jacob during the first lockdown, and didn't want to return to nursing again for safety. I decided that I could put some of the skills I have learned over the years to better use, and work from home at the same time, and here we are!

​I am here to make business owners life a little bit easier! - I know how hard being a working mum can be … so that’s why I want people to reach out and find out Howell I Can Help You!

Approved Virtual Assistant on the BeMyVA directory:
Accredited virtual assistant with the Association of Professional Virtual Assistants (APVA)

Kate Strong - World Champion Triathlete, Plant-Based Adventurer, Coach and Consultant, Strong Voice Podcast

Kate Strong leads by example when it comes to peak performance whether that’s climbing Mont Blanc, developing a sustainable business with a global reach or breaking 3 cycling world records. She is a widely sought after coach, enabling individuals and teams to redefine what’s possible and introduce flow into their daily way of being.

Kate has lived and travelled all over the globe, earning a double Masters in Engineering while living in France & Italy, She’s set up micro businesses in indigenous communities in Central America & Asia as well as founding a hospitality business in Australia. It was during her time in Australia that she discovered triathlon. Within 14 months of taking up the sport, she was crowned age-group World Champion and later went on to break 3 cycling world records.

She has faced her fair share of difficulties along the way, from being trapped in a toxic relationship to working herself out of the million-dollar debt her ex left her. However, she is not defined by these challenges and she uses these darker days to fuel her to always striving to be the best version of herself.

In 2023, Kate is planning to cycle 3,000 miles around the coast of UK, planting 3,000 trees along the way and raising awareness of the importance to protect our global health.

Tour de Wales:
Challenge 3000:

Andrew Miller - Business Enjoyment, Multiple Author and International Speaker

A qualified insolvency practitioner, Andrew spent 16 years in the Restructuring department of the global accountancy firm, KPMG, as well as being seconded to Barclays Bank's insolvency unit.

Taking on leadership roles highlighted to Andrew a passion and flair for working with individuals and the issues that affect them at a personal level. Through working with company owners who were in the process of losing everything, he became acutely aware of the emotional connection that exists between a business and its owner, something that is not always recognised or appreciated.

Andrew believes that 'you', 'your environment' and the interaction between the two should be looked at as a whole, rather than in isolation. Andrew works with business owners and their team to get all three areas right – which then allows you to truly enjoy what you do on a day to day basis.

Andrew has worked for himself for over 10 years in which time he has written eight books, won numerous awards and was also invited to be a policy advisor to the government around business failure.

He has been with his wife for over 26 years and loves what he does.

TEDx Talk:
Business Enjoyment Podcast – The Tingle Zone:
Amazon Author Page:


Hope Won't Pay the Wages
How to deal with the personal impact of a struggling business
(Winner - Business Game Changer Magazine Editor's Choice: Top Three Books of 2020)

Successful Startups
Get going. Stay going.

The Successful Business Owner's Guide to Reducing Stress
How to avoid these 13 common pitfalls

Multiply Your Success (with Phil Grundell)
245 Proven Ways to Take You to the Next Level

MLM Revisited
How to Fall Back in Love with Your Network Marketing Business

More Than Just Money
An Introduction to the Business Enjoyment Model

Transforming Your Life III (Various Authors and Sai Blackbyrn)
20 Incredible Stories Showing the Strenght of the Human Spirit
(International Bestseller in 11 Countries)

At The Sharp End (Various Authors and David Norrington)
Advice and Tips from Small Businesses

Amazon Author Page:

Vicki Moore - Professional Coach, Entrepreneur, Expat-Explorer and Author

Vicki Moore spent most of her career as a corporate manager, leading diverse teams in both the US and Europe. For more than 15 years , she helped teams efficiently implement strategic changes, improve performance and achieve big goals. After founding and running a successful business in Los Angeles for ten years, Vicki pursued her dream of living in Europe. Now, she combines her skills in strategy, management and coaching to help others turn bold ideas into actions and pursue their dreams with confidence and courage.

After reinventing her life multiple times, Vicki constantly found herself explaining that everyone can pursue their dreams and bold goals, once they recognise the influences that block success. This led her to write Life Beyond Should in 2021. The book is a practical guide for overcoming expectations in order to embrace what makes each of us unique and confidently turn ideas into reality.


Available on Amazon (kindle for only $0.99 until end of August)
Vicki will be glad to send a signed copy of the book to any listeners who request one.


I have a confession, I was a rule follower. In my early life and career, I always did what I “should.”  It worked for a while... I went to the “right” college, got a “good” job, got married, bought a house and climbed the corporate ladder, just as I was expected to.  I had a nice life, but there was one small problem... I was miserable.  

Nothing I was doing was aligned with what I truly wanted or valued.  I was living the life everyone else expected me to and playing it safe.  Whenever I described the life I dreamed of, everyone told me it was impossible. I didn’t believe them, and I finally found the courage to prove it.  

I quit my job, gave away everything that didn't fit in my car (including the house), and drove coast-to-coast across the U.S. to start over again in California.  It was the best decision I ever made.  Since then, I have followed my instincts and pursued my dreams, even while people told me at every step that I wouldn't succeed.  

Here is what I would have missed... if I had believed people who said it wasn’t possible:

  • Living for 17 years at one of the most beautiful beaches in the world

  • Starting and running a successful business for more than 10 years

  • Doubling sales revenues during a recession

  • Living and working in Europe, and traveling to over 34 countries

In my corporate career, I managed training and development.  My job was to help people recognize their individual talents and use them to succeed. I gained experience in using a variety of methods to support teams in achieving results and maximizing their success.

Now I utilize that expertise along with coaching to help people take big leaps, move past limitations and significantly change their lives. I believe in taking bold actions, living great adventures and learning along the way. 

I am committed to helping people dare to lead the life they want, because I know it is possible.

Traci Neal - Writer, Speaker and Poet

Traci Neal lives in the United States as a performing poet and professional writer. She is featured in The New York Times, Storyberries, Sheen Magazine, and InspireMore to name a few. She is the third place 2022 poetry winner in the United Kingdom Thalassemia Society for their Global Arts and Poetry Competition, the 2022 poetry winner of Empowering Justice Foundation Poetry Contest, the third-place 2022 State Winner of the SCCDA Poetry and Art Contest, and the 2021 second-place winner of the virtual poetry slam "Taking It Global" in Toronto, Canada.

To the Editor (New York Times) - April 17, 2021:
Imagine a young, Black, Southern teenage girl in middle school with thick glasses. This girl wants to do so well in school. She wishes she were popular. She desires to have more friends and be liked. She loves to read. She loves poetry. This girl was me.
I have one philosophy. In my teenage years and now in adulthood, I have believed that rejection motivates reach. Poetry would become my outlet in life. In high school, college and adulthood, rejection would follow me constantly. Still, it became my motivation to reach out to the hurting, helpless and those hungry for hope.
Rejection pushes poetry out of me. Poetry propels me to release my pain. Rejection motivates me to never give up. I think we all have felt rejection at some point in our lives. Let rejection be your motivation to reach.

Traci Neal
Columbia, S.C.

Thank you:
Poets & Writers:

Sam Mitchell - Podcaster, TEDx Speaker, Blogger, International Speaker

Envision yourself as a person who has a bright future, but then get diagnosed with autism at a young age, and you develop a lack of conversational skills when one of the requirements in society is discussing with someone.

Now, I do not converse with any male or female easily because I have the tendency to talk about what I only want to, and it leads people the wrong way. I have never been able to figure out the reason, but at the end of the day, I brush the dust off, and I reclaim my territory.

My voice is an attribute even though society may not agree. I have myself and others who would disagree with most of the human population. Each day before I go to bed I make sure that I lit my torch to know that I am here as well, so why are you not letting me in while giving me a chance at my redemption?

When I am conversing with someone, the person who saves me from fainting is me. The reason is no one knows how I talk to someone one hundred percent as I go off-topic too much along with coming across as selfish by not sharing thoughts with others. While I like to converse with my family and peers, it is damp and causes too much anxiety and depression to where I have to tiptoe on my feet.

There have been people who I feel more comfortable speaking to than others, but it will never be full-fledged comfortable. This will always be an almost mature and comfortable mood. However, I would not wish to change my conversing skills. If I had one wishing star come down, it would certainly not be that. I have so much to say that fire would eventually come out of my breath. I always wonder if others care about my thoughts, which has led me to not care about people who have not listened to my thoughts. Furthermore, I know I am a relevant human being and that is the only opinion that matters to me.

You can debate whether this could be me being a jerk or not? I am only just feeding you accurate information. The decision and the rest are up to you. My enemies have made me stronger so if you choose to not like me and throw me off the cliff, then go ahead, but my friend, you are wasting your time because you cannot start drama or make me feel bad about myself. I have been through too much to not have my life puzzled together. You once did push me, but I have officially resurrected and no matter what, I will keep coming back. Instead of saying stop drop and roll, we should say listen, open your ears, and include.

I am no longer a hidden gem. I am the gem for others who need my voice and others who just want a direction. Additionally, I’ve been shot in the head too many times while conversing, and I am now bulletproof to the negativity during a conversation. Each person has been manipulated into the negatives and their fifty-percent right when it comes to skills we do not understand or topics that we consider trivial. However, put us in our element, and it will become a different ball game.

We can converse with you like anyone else when it comes to our knowledge that we just want to share with the planet. It is time for everybody to become more open-minded when it comes to autistic people conversing. Instead of looking at autistic people blabbing as a foreign language, it is now time for us to see the rise of the Sun while others give us the undivided attention that we so desperately need for the world to hear us. Now let’s envision an autistic person who lacks conversational skills again.

The one thing I hope you took from this is that you know society puts pressure on people on the spectrum as they must converse with the human species and I do not think society will fully understand. They could always be a problem in the future, but let me ask this: Why can’t you become part of the solution?

Facebook Group:
TEDx Talk:

Faris Aranki - Strategy and Emotional Intelligence

Having spent over 20 years delivering strategic change for the corporate and non-corporate worlds, Faris has experienced first-hand the fine differences between strategic success and failure.

His work has spanned numerous companies (from global behemoths to small start-ups), in numerous countries, across a range of sectors, supporting them all to unlock strategic success. 

He came to realise that often what hinders institutions from achieving their goals goes beyond the quality of their strategy; it is their ability to engage effectively with others at all levels and remove barriers in their way. This has led to his passion for improving strategic effectiveness within all businesses and individuals and the foundation of Shiageto Consulting.

Over time, Faris has worked to distil his knowledge of how to solve complex problems in a structured manner combined with his skill on engaging effectively with others and his ability to quickly determine the barriers to a strategy's success. This knowledge has formed the foundation of Shiageto’s workshops, courses and methodologies. Faris believes that any firm or team can adopt these improvements; all it requires is a little of the right support - something Shiageto provides!

On top of leading our business, Faris is now an accomplished speaker and contributor for a variety of outlets.
