90 Seconds

90 seconds for videos is too long. I remember when YouTube first came out and the limit was 10 minutes. We all cried in despair, we wanted more time. Think about it, our attention span is about 20 seconds. Therefore videos need to be just 20 seconds.

They need to get to the point quick and grab your attention even faster.

During our #dailycartoon series, our cartoons are just 20 seconds long. About the right length.

Do you have more to say? Of course you do, you need to make sure all your solutions are heard and as a result they will pick up the phone and call you, right? WRONG!

After 90 seconds you are totally forgettable.

So here’s my new formula and you can have it for free.

The best stories in Hollywood are told along a timeline of ‘what is’ and ‘what could be’. Okay so remember that.

  • 1st 20 seconds, chapter 1 — what is — current state, problem, issue and pain.
  • 2nd 20 seconds, chapter 2 — what could be — future state, happy place, no issues, less pain.
  • 3rd 20 seconds, chapter 3 — what is — other issues and pains, lay on more, because there are always more.
  • 4th 20 seconds, chapter 4 — what could be — even better future happy place, solved the other pains too.
  • 5th 20 seconds, chapter 5 — what is — if the pain continues and you do nothing, where will you end up in maybe 3–5 years time?
  • 6th 20 seconds, chapter 6 — now the hero, that’s you, saves the day and walks off into the sunset, into that super happy place, arm in arm, hand in hand, arm over shoulder, we looked after you and we saved your life!

Thinks about it, 6 assets, drip feed campaign, stacking methodology, viewer is looking for the answer, waiting for it.

All educational, promotional, storytelling campaigns need to be told in 20 seconds video clips.

Happy storytelling!

Michael de Groot