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Day 14 — Monday 6 April 2020

Well, I can’t remember being this busy for months, it was a packed day and there’s me thinking it would be nice and relaxing during COVID19 times.

Firstly on my walk through the fields with Pip the Dog, we discovered that the bulls and the cows are back in the fields. Luckily when we walked through the field they were on the other side, quite a long way away from us. In fact they looked like young bulls! This means that route is now off limits and we will have to go a different route tomorrow. That’s no problem, as I think Pip seems to be getting bored with the same route anyway.

The rest of the day pretty much was spent on the current project, which is getting my Taiko drumming teacher being able to teach Taiko drumming successfully via the Internet.

Because of the scares around Zoom security issues, we tried out Skype conference meetings. The great thing about this is that you generate a link, which you can share with people and that way they don’t even need to download the Skype application, although of course it may be a better experience. So we tested it inside out and sure it worked, but I have to say the experience wasn’t great at all, especially the internet connection and lag time.

So we will be testing it with real people tomorrow Tuesday to see how it works and worth going forward with.

Later in the day, early evening I had a call with a prospective client in the USA, discussing a Whiteboard Animation project. It sounded positive but he does have another offer in the USA, which allegedly was cheaper. He very kindly shared the quote he had received from them, which actually when it turns out is not that much cheaper compared to mine. A follow-up call is planned for Wednesday, fingers crossed.

Stay at home folks, the figures are not really improving as yet!

Michael de Groot