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Your wisest words inside your car?

Whoever started the craze of recording a video whilst sitting inside your car? Maybe too much noise in your office or home office? Maybe you saw someone do this and you also thought it would be a good idea?

Either way it is a method overused and over-copied.

It’s looks inauthentic, too staged and this is what you are saying to us!

I don’t have time to do this properly, I am too busy and only have time to record a quick video, in between jobs and appointments with clients. Because I’m so busy, I need to demonstrate to you how truly busy I am and the only time I have without any interruptions is whilst I have 30 seconds to pause inside my car. You should be really grateful that I am able to make the time to record a video with some free guidance and coaching, that normally you would have to pay for. My objective is to make you feel unworthy, a failure and jealous of the fact that I am SO busy.

But that’s not the intention I hear you say?

Seriously, think about it, think about how the viewer is feeling about themselves, you believe you’re doing them a favour and in fact you’re making them feel worse.

Get over yourself and stop this ridiculous practice!

Happy driving!

Michael de Groot