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Internet Crooks

I’ve received several calls over the years from a foreign country trying to get me to allow them to log in to my computer. Of course I know what they are trying to do, I’m not stupid but I also know that many people who are not aware have had thousands of pounds or dollars stolen from them.

I had such a call again on 14th February, 2018. We had a bit of warning, the number had been trying to get hold of us for days, but every time we answered we stayed quiet and the call rang off automatically. This time I said hello and as these auto callers respond to voice it connected me to an agent (scammer), who started their scam routine.

Over the years I’ve recorded the calls and shared them on the web and even with the right authorities. I also recorded this latest call and the scam was different, they have invented a new approach. The sound quality was terrible, so I’ve had to increase the volume, which may sound a bit scratchy on your devices. Anyway be warned they may contact you or a family member, so please warn them, send them the video/audio for them to hear what their scam is.


Happy crook catching.

Michael de Groot