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Day 18 – Friday 10 April 2020

Well today on the new dog walk in the morning. The area is the old golf club fields, which have been left to over grow. However recently the council, I think, fenced off part of it to let some cows graze. It meant that I had to approach the location from a different direction to what I had done previously. Because I was super early, I didn’t expect many dog walkers but I did spot two in the distance. Signs clearly state keeping dogs on leads, which I have to do with Pip anyway, but both these dog walkers their dogs and one of them had three, were completely off lead.

I didn’t expect the cows to be where I was entering the fields, but they had obviously moved them to a different area, which now. meant that I had to make sure to avoid them. In the end it worked out fine and ‘Pip the Dog’ did very well and enjoyed herself. After the disappointment of not being able to go to our regular location, where pretty much no dog walkers go at the time when we do, this will be a great alternative now.

The rest of the day was more relaxing, apart from some domestic duties, like washing clothes etc.

Also ‘Pip the Dog’ had a big bath, badly needed after these length walks we’ve had over fields etc. No idea what critters she may have collected on the way and mud or even cow poo in her paws.

In fact yesterday Pip was under the weather and that could have something to do with picking up stuff from the walks. She recovered by this morning though, which is great.

We watched a few episodes of Tiger King on Netflix, a documentary about the goings on around the enormous collections of wild cats in the USA. Who knew that there were so many wild cat collectors. A very strange story, but highly addictive indeed.

The U.K. had its biggest tally of deaths today, the highest compared to the whole of the rest of Europe during this time. This is seriously worrying and very obvious that we are far from the peak of this outbreak. My prediction is that in the U.K. we won’t be seeing a reduction until the end of June and a reduction in cases maybe in August.

Worrying times for us all. Stay determent people, stay at home!

Michael de Groot